Separation of Church and State
C4RH believes in the principle of the separation of the church and the state and as such, it strong opposes any attempt by religious organizations to impose their religious views on the secular institutions like the government.
C4RH was one of the first to oppose the accreditation of faith-based organization like the Pro-life Philippines as a party-list that could be elected into the Congress. When the RPRH Law's constitutionality was questioned by conservative religious groups, C4RH did not hesitate to intervene and defend the merits of the law and requested the Supreme Court to lift the Status Quo Ante. And again during the midterm elections in May 2013, C4RH criticized the Team-Buhay, Team Patay (Team-Life, Team-Death) negative campaign by CBCP against pro-RH candidates.
As part of its voters' education and to launch its criteria for responsible voting, C4RH conducted a press conference on 6 April 2013. The conference was covered by major networks. Follow up interviews with C4RH Chair and the Executive Director were conducted by TV and radio networks. Specically, the interview with the Executive Director was included in the regular program of “Wag Kang Pasaway Kay Mareng Winnie” of a major TV network.
In the press conference, C4RH launched its criteria for voting which is an acronym for the following:
S : embraces Social justice
I : with Integrity
N: adopts Nationalist ideals
C: with informed conscience and courage to stand by their principles
E: works for Equity and equality
R: Responsible in promoting human rights (HR) including reproductive health (RH) right
E: advocates for Empowerment of the people